Celebrating Success Episode 5: Discovering Creative Ways to Enhance Dementia Care

how to improve dementia care

How to improve dementia care

In the fifth episode of our webinar series we explored how to improve dementia care and creative ways to overcome challenges when caring for someone living with dementia.

Rosie and Tanya gave us their expert advice and experience within dementia care settings, specifically focusing on the uses of music to improve wellbeing, as well as how we can overcome challenges or changes in behaviour of someone living with dementia and the possible causes of this.


Our first speaker is Rosie Mead, founder and CEO of Musica Music and Wellbeing CIC. With over 10 years of experience of working in arts and health, Rosie has built a career as a disruptor of dementia care, championing the importance of embedding music into dementia care pathways. Her academic expertise and her passion and belief that dementia care can and should be better than it currently is has led her to support care homes, hospitals, day services and family carers to use music as part of their daily dementia care. Rosie will be providing us with her first hand experience of using music in dementia care settings and providing some tips on how you can enhance the care you provide through the inclusion of music.

Our second speaker is Tanya Clover, Senior Dementia Consultant at Dementia Support UK. Tanya has over 30 years’ experience in striving to improve the care sector through supporting older adults, people living with dementia, their families and formal carers. Dementia Support UK is a subscription service for care and support teams to access advice and strategies in responding to people experiencing behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia. The service features e-learning resources, live chat and time with a dementia consultant. You can find out more about DS UK’s consultancy service here: https://dementiasupportuk.org/ Tanya will be discussing her experiences as a dementia consultant and providing advice on how to better understand the behaviour of people living with dementia.

For Rosie’s slides please click the link below and for more information please visit Rosie’s website:

Musica Music & Wellbeing CIC – Rosie Mead

For Tanya’s slides please click the link below and for more information please visit Dementia Support UK’s website:

Dementia Support UK Presentation Slides – Tanya Clover

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